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Book of Night: Book 1

Charlie is prone to a life of crime and is good at it. She has been a talented thief and lockpicker all her life, stealing for all different gloamists. Her current boyfriend is someone who encourages her to do better and make money legally, so she has been doing pretty well. Sadly, her life of crime is calling for her and Charlie isn’t sure that she will be able to resist. Will she be able to survive what is to come?

I was so intrigued by the introduction to this book. It was super tantalizing and seemed to be exactly like the other books that I tend to enjoy. Sadly, this book was just too dark for me. I really struggled to keep myself engaged and made it less than a sixth of the way through the story with no real action. I really enjoy action scenes, they tend to keep me engaged better, and then character building. I am sure that this book will be able to find a captive audience with someone else, but it was sadly not quite to my tastes.

From the part of the book that I did read, the world building was wonderful. The author did a wonderful job of making where Charlie lives feel like a small town, somewhere where everyone knows everyone and you cannot hide any of your secrets. The use of shadows and their connection to magic was an interesting concept. I really liked the story building in general.

Books that are similar to this one are: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo because both main characters are trying to steal something in a magical world and Inhuman by Kat Falls because they are both trying to steal something that is forbidden.

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